Friday, 21 December 2018

WWF _ SLJ - ๐Ÿ…

Image result for freshwater sealTiger on Apple iOS 12.1Tiger Face on Apple iOS 12.1Image result for seal emoji

Image result for wwf

 WWF - World Wildlife Fund 

The first animal - ( clip 1 ) - the WWF is working to save are " FRESH WATER SEALS " . They WWF spent days working on  the lake building a snowbank for these endangered seals.  The seals give birth in a lair and it digs into a snowbank. The reason they are building a snowbank is because if there are no snowbanks then the pups are born on open ice.


1 comment:

  1. Kia Orana Licha,

    You are right, the WWF is working hard to protect Freshwater Seals, ka pai. These special seals do have a specific name, do you know what it is? It'll help to go back and watch the video again carefully to find out.

    You have included some basic information about the Seals as well as what WWF are doing to help them survive. In order to gain full points for this activity please include the name of the seals as well as some information about whether the WWF has been successful in helping the seals survive. Think carefully about whether building the snowbanks has helped the seal pups..

    Keep persevering and working hard, I know you can do this. I look forward to reading your edited post. :)

    Toe feiloa'i fo'i,



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